Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Prom 2008

My prom experience in a list form...
  • For once, it was not held at the Cocoanut Grove.
  • Avalon Nightclub (where we had our prom) had these really nice booths and it was really spacious.
  • Music: Unlike most WHS dances, the majority of the music was NOT Mexican. There were some songs here and there. A lot of people at school like that kind of thing but there are a lot of us that aren't really into that. I'm surprised the DJ played "Sandstorm" and those kinds of songs.
  • Dancing on stage: SO. MUCH. FUN. It was getting so hot though and there were too many of us that they didn't allow anyone on stage.
  • I didn't have to worry about anyone having the same dress as me.
  • Prom always gives people something to talk about, whether if it's a "They broke up?" or "She wore that?" or "He did what?"
  • I didn't look the way I wanted to. I feel like such a bitch. I know my sister's friend's mom was doing us a favor by doing my hair and makeup but I just didn't really like it. The first time she did my hair, it was flipped out, then curled, and eventually I decided I wanted it up. It was good, but I don't know. It just wasn't what I exactly wanted. The makeup? I realized I looked like a freaking crack addict geisha with the pounds of makeup applied on me. Maybe it's because I don't apply makeup on a daily basis? I don't know.
  • Hardly any pictures because I don't like having mine taken. It's no fair. Every freaking girl is supposed to look gorgeous with their prom attire. But me? I look like a fucking clown with all that makeup that was one shade lighter than my skin.
  • Buses were late.
  • The ride there and back. Okay, I just really had to go to the bathroom and refused to use the ones on the bus.
  • The dance floor could've been bigger. Then again, some people including myself didn't think so many people would actually get up and dance.
  • Music: more variety. BUMP SOME M.I.A.!!! That's unlikely, but maybe some rock-ish/pop-ish stuff?
  • Decorations? None. And we had some sort of fairytale theme, I think.
  • My shoes hurt my feet like a bitch. I ended up taking them off when we went on stage to dance then left them off for the rest of the time.
  • Wherever one goes, the rest follow. Okay, I was totally guilty of that but I usually can't stand that kind of thing. Personally, I just went off to wherever I wanted to go by myself.
  • My feet hurt and I am sore from all that dancing.
  • I wish certain people would've came.
  • Ahh, the array of prom dresses. Some girls looked like they were going to a wedding, while others looked like they were dressed up for their quinceaƱera. On the other hand, there were some girls that were hardly wearing anything. I can't really think of one dress I absolutely loved. The few that stood out: that one revealing red dress (the girl was better off wearing nothing), Celeste's short zipper dress, that crazy dress with the prints (I don't think I saw anyone else with prints, so kudos for originality), I'm sure there were a few others but that's all I could think of for now. Other than that, most dresses looked the same. Lots of bubble skirts. That "trend" needs to die now. I don't like dresses with deep v-neck cuts, or whatever you call them. Okay, I just don't like prom dresses in general.
  • Some guy came wearing a backpack and there were some guys wearing caps.
  • Lots of girls with extensions. I don't know how I feel about that.
  • Some people got kicked out because they came drunk/with alcohol.
  • Apparently, someone vomited by where they took prom pictures.
  • Some couples broke up, while some just argued.
  • Some guy that got expelled from some school, our school, then some other school got on stage and just started stripping. We were all just waiting for him to take off his boxers, then he got kicked off the stage.
  • 2 of the whitest people at our vastly Mexican populated school won Prom King and Prom Queen.
  • Some people took the little candle holder things to use as shot glasses, haha.
  • There's this one song that was played and it went something like "To the left! To the right! Hop 3 times! Clap your hands! Cha cha now! Criss cross! Take it back now!" and since then I've had it stuck on my head. At the time, I thought the song was never going to end. I found the song here because I couldn't get it out of my head.
Honestly, I never really pictured myself going to prom. I always thought I would be the one sitting at home with a pint of Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia watching some random movie on TBS/TNT/USA Network/one of those channels. I was planning to just go next year because I didn't feel like spending money on the bid, dress, hair, etc. and senior year is THE year. I don't see why you have to wait for one year to have all the fun.

After prom activities: No, I did not drown myself in gallons of alcohol or lose my virginity in some sleazy hotel room. Okay, I drank a little but just to the point where I was feeling a little light-headed. Anyways, after prom we got some food from the Burger King drive-thru then went to Jasmine's house. I just borrowed some clothes from Jasmine because I didn't bring any extra clothes. We just stayed outside eating our BK. There was a fire lit and a tent set up. God, those fries were warm and crispy and they were amazingly good. I don't know if it was because I was hungry (they didn't really give us a dinner and it was just appetizers which I hardly ate) or because it was really freaking good. I got a Tendercrisp Chicken Sandwich. I was having a hard time digesting food but at the same time, I was really hungry. After eating, we sat around the fire and then I started drinking a little and all that good stuff. While we were doing that, there was a beer can tab on the ground and Amy said it looked like mini handcuffs, haha. Blah blah blah, other stuff happened but I just really wanted to sleep. At 6 in the morning, I heard voices and I was just thinking "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET ME SLEEP, THANKS." I don't even get up at 6 during school days so I don't see why the hell I'd do that on the weekend. I ended up sleeping until 8-ish or so. I looked even more like shit when I got up. We just sat around the fire, then left and I got some mocha. Then, I took a long bubble bath.

I really wanted to go to the after party even if I was pretty tired, but I guess I am kinda glad I didn't. Me + alcohol + the opposite sex = bad experiences. They weren't necessarily bad but I just wouldn't want to experience anything similar in the future.

Overall, I'd say I'm glad that I went to prom this year. Next year's prom will be better, I hope, because I already know I'm going. I don't know if I'll even have a date but even if I don't, going with friends is always fun. Honestly, I've always wanted to be asked to prom in some sort of special way like those Laguna Beach kids. Lucky bitches. Maybe I'll just pay someone to do that sort of thing, haha. As for dresses, I want a vintage dress! I'm going to get a dress I'm in love with. No, I have to. And I won't listen to Christian and his wack-ass prom dress suggestions because I hate pretty much every dress he likes. Even the one that I liked in the beginning when I went dress shopping at Valley Fair which I ended up not liking. I can't help it if I don't like them. He'll probably get all pissy but whatever. It's my last prom and I'm gonna be running shit. I'm not really sure what'll happen after prom, but I want sober fun because getting drunk after prom doesn't sound too appealing anymore.

Google Image Labeler
is so addicting! I know it's a way for Google to trick people to do work for them, which is smart.

A little something I'd like to add: R.I.P. Christian's grandfather and Yves Saint Laurent, one of the most influential designers of all-time.

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